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An exciting program for the March break weeks in Yellowknife & Hay River

In regard to the upcoming weeks of spring break and the Rendez-vous de la Francophonie 2021, Jeunesse TNO has worked in collaboration with Canadian Parents for French NWT (CPF NWT), l’Association franco-culturelle de Hay River, and le Réseau TNO Santé, to propose an exciting program of activities for the various weeks of spring break. Some activities are exclusively offered to children aged 12 to 25 and others are open to all ages. You will find the complete program for the different regions below. In addition, sign up directly in the INSCRIPTION section of the FFT website (hurry, places are limited!)

Please note that children under the age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, please visit the Fédération franco-ténoise website or contact us at or (867) 920-2919 poste 258 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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